Hřebčín Jítrava

Pure Spanish Race Horses


Pura Raza Espaňola – Spanish horse

At the foothills of the Czech Lusatian Mountains there is Jítrava stud farm which specializes in Andalusian horses. In 1997 there started breeding of the spanish pure- bred horse also called Pura Raza Espaňola (PRE). This breed with a rich tradition going up to the sixteenth century and the horses of pure spanish breed are graceful, lively and inteligent ones. They have charitable character, willingness to work and often a talent for dressage. But most importantly a beautiful appearance.

Spanish horses – breeding horses from Andalusia

At the beginning of our stud farm there were two exceptional spanish mares – Molinera XVI and Cartuja XV. Presently there are about twenty of these spanish horses PRE – black, brown, and white ones. Most of them are mares but there are also several stallions and foals. Spanish horse or so called Andalusian horse PRE is suitable for a classical dressage, horse pulling or agrotourism. Come to meet Pura Raza Espaňola, take a look at them or do some riding. We are looking forward to your visit.